Mattress Film Bagging Without Compression
The term “mattress in a box” has become synonymous with the modern convenience of online mattress shopping. It refers to any bed that is delivered directly to customers via standard ground shipping. The rise of e-commerce in the mattress industry has significantly increased the availability of these boxed beds. Before shipping, the mattress is compressed, wrapped in plastic, and vacuum-sealed using advanced mattress sealing machines like KIMKOO®. Upon unboxing, these mattresses begin to expand immediately and are usually ready for use within 24 to 48 hours.
How to Properly Bag Your Mattress Using Mattress Machines
Step 1: Enclose Your Mattress in a Plastic Mattress Bag
Start by selecting a plastic mattress bag that fits your bed snugly. Place the mattress inside the bag and ensure it is securely enclosed. If the bag comes with a built-in seal, zip it up tightly. For extra security, reinforce the seal with a few strips of duct tape. This tape acts as a backup, ensuring that the seal holds firm during handling.

mattress film bagging machine
If your plastic mattress bag does not have a built-in seal, simply use a generous amount of duct tape to close the bag securely.
Step 2: Secure the Valve
Once your mattress is sealed inside the plastic bag, it’s time to attach the vacuum valve. Start by removing the valve from the vacuum bag you have on hand. Place it over the plastic mattress bag and trace its outline. Carefully cut a hole in the plastic bag that matches the size of the valve.
After creating the hole, insert the valve until it touches the surface of the mattress. Tape around the valve to ensure the opening is airtight. Use enough duct tape to create a secure seal, ensuring no air can escape.
Step 3: Remove Air with a Mattress Bagging Machine
Now, connect the vacuum hose to the valve and power it on. As the mattress bagging machine begins to remove air, you’ll see the mattress gradually compress. It’s important to keep the mattress level on the floor during this process. This allows for even compression and reduces the risk of damaging the foam. Avoid compressing the mattress while it is standing on its side.
Can All Mattress Types Be Compressed?
Use mattress compression machine to compress mattress is a convenient way to reduce its size, making it easier to move and saving space in a moving truck. However, not all mattresses are suitable for vacuum compression. Foam mattresses, such as memory foam or latex, are the easiest to compress and are commonly found in bed-in-a-box products. Foam is generally considered the most stable material for this purpose, which is why many manufacturers prefer it when offering mattresses in a box.